At Colono, we believe in medicine at an artisanal pace. In health built together by patients and professionals, in which the autonomy of each individual is respected and there is time and availability to welcome, listen, examine, understand.
Our patients are seen with time, in limited appointments. We understand that haste and health do not match, and that’s why we have a deep respect for patient’s time!
Our consultations are longer than usual because we understand that it is a special moment. An occasion in which the doctor-patient relationship is built and developed in stages.
The first step is to welcome the patient. Lasting bonds begin with simple gestures: a handshake, an exchange of glances.
Then comes the moment of anamnesis, the name given to the interviews in which the doctor obtains from the patient, in a systematic way, all the information he needs about the circumstances that led him to schedule an appointment. It is not enough to know that the patient has a pain. It is important to determine its characteristics, which factors worsen or improve it and all other symptoms that may be associated with.
Anamnesis also seeks to obtain information about the patient’s self and factors that can be determinants of some diseases. This is the case for some working conditions, family or personal history of diseases, risk exposure, medications use and allergies.
Then it’s time for the physical exam. Medicine is done with ears and brain, but also to a large extent with eyes and hands.
Even with so much technology (and at Colono we have a lot at our disposal), we know that nothing replaces anamnesis and physical examination. These are ancient techniques that form the basis of medicine since the first human being took care of alleviating the pain of another. Very often, they are sufficient for an accurate diagnosis and for choosing the best treatment.
Therefore, consultation begins with an apprenticeship, in which the doctor assimilates the patient’s complaints, understanding their pain. But it continues with a teaching moment. This is when the doctor explains to the patient about their symptoms, possible diagnoses, and physical examination findings.
We believe in interactions that are continuous teaching-learning processes, in which doctors and patients learn and teach, in a continuous motion. And for that, we have the support of audiovisual and printed methods. Our patients receive a lot of information, either verbal and written, as we are convinced that information for the patient must be sufficient, readable and understandable.
Medicine has a lot of science, but also a little bit of art. We know that arriving at an accurate diagnosis is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle, in which each piece of information represents a small piece. And that the key is to have enough pieces that fit together! Thus, it is also in the consultation that complementary exams are requested always (and only) when necessary.
Yes, at Colono our doctors are specialists in the different areas of digestive health. But we believe in doctors who see the whole patient, not just organs and systems. We believe in a medicine that escapes the logic of mass production, the assembly line, the impersonality that dehumanizes. A medicine at an artisanal pace, with time and all the attention that each patient needs from us.
To schedule your appointment, click here. We will be delighted to support you!
© 2022 COLONO – Todos os direitos reservados • Política de Privacidade • Responsável Técnico: Dr. Fábio Alves Soares – CRM/DF 12643, RQE 8130 e RQE 11732