As the small bowel is made up of long, movable segments between the stomach and colon (large bowel), Capsule Enteroscopy (ECE) is the most convenient, simple and safe way to gain complete access to the small intestine.
We’re talking about a capsule about the size of a vitamin pill, which is activated and connected to a data recorder via a radio frequency signal. Tens of thousands of images are then obtained, stored in real time and transferred to an image processing station for further analysis.
This technology also makes it possible to evaluate the large bowel and rectum. That is, the performance of Capsule Colonoscopies. This is because a small proportion of patients who need a colonoscopy cannot undergo the conventional examination.
At Colono, we use the most modern equipment and capsules available in the world to perform both exams. However, just as we do with our High Performance Video Colonoscopies, we perform capsule exams in a different way!
Dr. Fábio Soares himself carries out every procedure, which begins with the evaluation consultation prior to the exam. In it, bowel preparation is transmitted and the patient is evaluated in relation to health issues, allergies and medications in use.
The exam generates tens of thousands of images of the bowel, which are transferred to a computerized imaging station and carefully reviewed, a process that takes a few hours devoted to examining a single patient.
Dr. Fábio personally performs each step of the exam, according to the protocols of the Small Bowel Unit of the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, in Sheffield, where he received his training. Located in northern England, it is the largest reference facility in the UK and one of the largest in Europe for the training of gastroenterologists and clinical research in the small bowel, a worldwide known reference center in capsule enteroscopy techniques.
For these techniques, Dr. Fábio was trained by one of the most renowned specialists in Europe in this kind of procedure, Professor Mark McAllindon. Since then, five years have passed and dozens of tests have been carried out. An exam modality for which he has a special fondness.
© 2022 COLONO – Todos os direitos reservados • Política de Privacidade • Responsável Técnico: Dr. Fábio Alves Soares – CRM/DF 12643, RQE 8130 e RQE 11732